
  Ever wonder what defines a person? Name? Occupation? Age? Country? Language? Or maybe, the character? The personality? The preference? Or scientifically, the race? The color of hair and skin? The gene sequence?

  Even if there is an one thousand items list describing the person, can the list accurately define ones soul? From the list, can you obtain more information of the person except stacks of adjectives and nouns?

  Who are you? Who am I? It has been the question I search for years. But each time I thought I got the answer, the answer changed. It is growing much faster than the metabolism of my cells. Like cancer, maybe. Sometimes I thought the word "me" obeys Heisenberg uncertainty principle like atoms. Whilst atoms are so tiny compare with materials, a person is as tiny as atoms in the society. Have we still remained the characteristic of our basic components? After all, we are just the accumulation of atoms, mostly carbons. Aren't we?

  "The astronomers have discovered that, all the atoms in human body - including iron in our blood, calcium in our bone, and carbon in our brain - were all created by the red giants million light years away billion years ago. Human beings are made of stars. And maybe the reason why our ancestors and we are so fascinated by the immense universe is because the memories of the stars in our body are missing their home."
-- A signature from BBS.

  For many years biologist, systematics, and philosophers have tried to find a proper explanation of what differs human and animals. No one had came up with an undebatable definition. But why are we so eager to emphasis the difference of us from the others? If we were all made of the same molecules? Although it is obvious that different combinations of molecules does produce different organisms with different behaviors, but the basic elements remain unchanged. If we believe that a person can be dissected into a bunch of words which these words can identify the uniqueness of this person, then why cannot dissect the organisms into atoms and use the composition to describe it? This way, we are no different from animals, even the stars.

  Yet each person is unique, so does everything. Then how can I introduce myself by nothing but language if a soul cannot be assembled by words? All a language could do is to portray the soul by its basic elements like an artist using colors. However, not to forget the world is changing with time, any precise portaiture are only snapshots of ones ongoing life.

  Therefore, all I can present you is an episode of my life with a simple outline. I cannot guarantee the accuracy nor consistancy of this brief sketch:

  I, a female from Taiwan, born on February 9th, currently 20 years old, is a student major in Life Science in National Tsing Hua University. Interested in music, literature, physics, biology, computers, photography, travel, tarot, postcard collecting, science fictions, astronomy, and learning. Especially love bizarre ideas, design, friends, energetic discussions, good weather, folk music, different cultures, and wonderful arts. An Aquarius. Can be reached by email to ca3rine[at]altern.org.

  This is me at PM 11:13, March 24th, 2006. It is pleased to meet you.

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