On the bookshelf

   The largest "collection" I have are books. They have accompanied me since I born. Merely eight months later I started to flip through them. From picture books to novels, novels to science textbooks. They brought me from one place to another, one world to another. Whether it be imaginary or real, it does not matter. Best thing is, they do not bite and do not run. They are my best friend. *smile*

   A miser counts his money daily, while I am a miser of books, I count books. Yet last time I did so was fourth grade in elementary school, almost eight years ago. (Gosh, am I THAT old?!) This time I try to make a complete list of the books, my parents' included. Right now only some 1/23 is added, 95 books already! I cannot wait to see the result!


  1. 由常見果實認識植物演化, by 黃義雄, 國立自然科學博物館, 1993
  2. 台灣昆蟲記, by 潘建宏, 廖智安, 大樹, 1999
  3. 台灣社會性昆蟲, by 蔣中柱, 國立自然科學博物館, 1991
  4. 台灣的竹節蟲, by 黃世富, 大樹, 2002
  5. 台灣蜘蛛 (Spiders of Taiwan), by 陳仁杰, 串門, 2002
  6. 台灣蕨類植物的認識與園藝應用, by 林仲剛, 國立自然科學博物館, 1992
  7. 放射蟲 Radiolaria, by 葉貴玉, 國立自然科學博物館, 1992
  8. 昆蟲入門 (Introduction to Insects), by 張永仁, 遠流, 2003
  9. 昆蟲記 1 - 大自然的清道夫 -- 糞金龜, by Jean Henri Fabre, traslate: 黃盛璘, 東方, 1993
  10. 昆蟲記 2 - 大自然的小刺客 -- 狩獵蜂, by Jean Henri Fabre, traslate: 黃盛璘, 東方, 1993
  11. 昆蟲記 3 - 大自然的夏日歌手 -- 蟬, by Jean Henri Fabre, traslate: 黃盛璘, 東方, 1993
  12. 昆蟲記 4 - 蠍子的決鬥, by Jean Henri Fabre, traslate: 黃盛璘, 東方, 1993
  13. 昆蟲記 5 - 莞菁大冒險, by Jean Henri Fabre, traslate: 黃盛璘, 東方, 1993
  14. 昆蟲記 7 - 螞蟻雄兵的路標, by Jean Henri Fabre, traslate: 黃盛璘, 東方, 1993
  15. 昆蟲記 8 - 法布爾傳 -- 昆蟲詩人的一生, by 奧本大三郎, traslate: 黃盛璘, 東方, 1993
  16. 昆蟲圖鑑 (Insect Handbook), by 張永仁, 遠流, 2002
  17. 昆蟲圖鑑 2 (Insect Handbook 2), by 張永仁, 遠流, 2002
  18. 河川生態保育, by 汪靜明, 國立自然科學博物館, 1992
  19. 英漢雙解生物學辭典 English-Chinese Dictionary of Biological Terms, by , 朗文 Longman,
  20. 哺乳動物圖鑑 (Mammals), by Juliet Clutton-Brock, translate: 黃小萍, 貓頭鷹, 2003
  21. 班城綠映, by , 春田 , 2000
  22. 野花圖鑑 (Wild Flowers), by 張永仁, 遠流, 2002
  23. 蜘蛛博物學 (Spiders), by 朱耀沂, 大樹, 2003
  24. 蕨類圖鑑 (Pteridophyte), by 郭城孟, 遠流, 2002
  1. Biology 6/e, by Campbell & Reese, Benjamin Cummings, 2002
  2. Level 4 - Virus Hunters of the CDC, by Joseph B. McCormick. Susan Fisher-Hoch, Barnes & Noble Books, 1999
  3. Molecular Biology of the Cell 4/e, by Alberts et all, Garland Scinece, 2002


  1. 觀念叢書 1 - 化學計量, by 曾國輝, 建宏, 2002
  2. 觀念叢書 10 - 典型元素, by 曾國輝, 建宏, 2002
  3. 觀念叢書 11 - 過渡金屬, by 曾國輝, 建宏, 2002
  4. 觀念叢書 12 - 有機化學概論, by 曾國輝, 建宏, 2002
  5. 觀念叢書 2 - 大氣, by 曾國輝, 建宏, 2002
  6. 觀念叢書 3 - 水, by 曾國輝, 建宏, 2002
  7. 觀念叢書 4 - 溶液, by 曾國輝, 建宏, 2002
  8. 觀念叢書 5 - 化學平衡, by 曾國輝, 建宏, 2002
  9. 觀念叢書 6 - 酸鹼化學, by 曾國輝, 建宏, 2002
  10. 觀念叢書 7 - 氧化還原反應, by 曾國輝, 建宏, 2002
  11. 觀念叢書 8 - 原子結構, by 曾國輝, 建宏, 2002
  12. 觀念叢書 9 - 化學鍵, by 曾國輝, 建宏, 2002
  13. 化學 第二版 下冊, by 曾國輝, 藝軒, 2002
  14. 化學 第二版 上冊, by 曾國輝, 藝軒, 2002
  15. 化學問題指引, by 曾國輝, 藝軒, 2000

comic books

  1. 天下武學的殿堂 - 少林寺, by 蔡志忠, 時報, 1995


  1. 戰國策, by 劉向, 博元出版社, 1994


  1. 5711438, by 趙寧, 皇冠, 1990
  2. 濟公傳, by 清•王夢吉 等, 智揚出版社, 1993
  3. 鏡花緣, by 清•李汝珍, 智揚出版社, 1993
  4. 續小五義, by , 智揚出版社, 1993
  5. 七俠五義, by 清•石玉崑, 智揚出版社, 1993
  6. 水滸傳, by 明•施耐蓭, 智揚出版社, 1993
  7. 小五義, by 無名氏, 智揚出版社, 1993
  8. 三兄弟, by 趙寧, 趙怡, 趙靖, 皇冠, 1990
  9. 今古奇觀, by 明•抱甕老人, 世一, 1997
  10. 北大荒, by 梅濟民, 星光, 1982
  11. 北京法源寺, by 李敖, 李敖出版社, 2000
  12. 西遊記, by 明•吳承恩, 智揚出版社, 1993
  13. 官場現形記, by 清•李寶嘉, 智揚出版社, 1993
  14. 阿Q正傳, by 魯迅, 普天, 2002
  15. 紅樓夢, by 清•曹雪芹, 地球, 1993
  16. 隋唐演義, by 元•羅貫中, 智揚出版社, 1993
  1. Lord of the Rings, by J. R. R. Tolkien, Harper Collins, 2001


  1. 三角形的內角和等於180度嗎?, by 王宗儒, 凡異, 1997
  2. 不只一點瘋狂 - 天才數學家艾狄胥傳奇, by Bruce Schechter, translate: 曾慧蘭, 先覺, 1999
  3. 高中數學競賽教程, by , 九章, 2000
  4. 解析幾何學辭典, by 世部貞市郎, 九章, 1994
  5. 遇見歌德巴赫猜想 (Uncle Petros & Goldbach's Conjecture), by Apostolos Doxiadis, translate: 王維旎, 小知堂文化, 2002
  6. 數論導引 (Introduction to Number Theory), by , 凡異,
  1. Advanced Calculus 3/e, by Angus E. Taylor, W. Robert Mann, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1983
  2. Complex Analysis with Applications, by Richard A. Silverman, Prentice-Hall Inc., 1981
  3. Complex Variables and Applications 4/e, by Ruel V. Chirchill and James Ward Brown, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1984
  4. Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces, by Manfredo P. do Carmo, Prentice-Hall Inc., 1976
  5. Elementary Classical Analysis, by Marsden, , 1974
  6. Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, by William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1983
  7. Elementary Differential Geometry, by Barrett O'Neil, 淡江, 1966
  8. Elementary Topology 2/e, by Gemignani, 開發, 1976
  9. Elements of Mordern Algebra, by Jimmie Gilbert, Linda Gilbert, Prindle, Weber & Schmidt, 1984
  10. Introduction to Analytic Number Theory, by Tom M. Apostol, Springer-Verlag, 1984
  11. Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistical Inference 3/e, by Harold J. Larson, , 1982
  12. Linear Algebra 2/e, by Kenneth Hoffman, Ray Kunze, Prentic-Hall Inc., 1971
  13. Mathematical Analysis 2/e, by Tom M. Apostol, Addison-Wesley, 1984
  14. My Brain is Open - The Mathematical Journey of Paul Erd鰆, by Bruce Schechter, Touchstone, 2000
  15. Projective Geometry of n dimensions, by Otto Schreier, Emanuel Sperner, Chelsea Publishing Company, 1985
  16. Set Theory, by Pinter, Addison-Wesley, 1971
  17. The Man Who Loved Only Numbers - The Story of Paul Erd鰆 and the Search for Mathematical Truth, by Paul Hoffman, Hyperion, 1998
  18. The Parrot's Theorem, by Denis Guedj, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2000
  19. the USSR Olympiad Problem Book - Selected Problems and theorems of Elementary Mathematics, by D. O. Shklarsky, N. N. Chentzov, and I. M. Yaglom, Dover, 1993
  20. Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable, by A. I. Markushevich, translate: Richard A. Silverman, Chelsea Publishing Company, 1977
  21. Topics in Algebra 2/e, by I. N. Herstein, Xerox Corporation, 1985
  22. Vector and Tensor Analysis, by Eutiquio C. Young, Central Book Co., 1978


  1. 普通物理學(下冊) University Physics Revised Edition, by Harris Benson, translate: 朱達勇 等, 歐亞, 2004
  2. 普通物理學(上冊) University Physics Revised Edition, by Harris Benson, translate: 朱達勇 等, 歐亞, 2004
  1. University Physics Revised Edition, by Harris Benson, John Wiley & Sons. Inc., 1996

popular science

  1. 生物世界的數學遊戲 (Life's Other Scecret - The New Mathematics of the Living World), by Ian Stewart, translate: 蔡信行, 天下, 2002
  2. 用心動腦話科學, by 曾志朗, 遠流, 2000
  1. Science & Music, by Sir James Jeans, Dover, 1968

Science Fiction

  1. 拉瑪任務 (Rama Series I: Rendezvous with Rama), by Arthur C. Clarke, 小知堂, 2006
  2. 星雲組曲, by 張系國, 洪範書店, 1980
  1. Foundation 01: Foundation, by Issac Asimov, Spectra, 1951
  2. Foundation 02: Foundation and Empire, by Issac Asimov, Spectra,
  3. Foundation 03: Second Foundation, by Issac Asimov, Spectra,
  4. Foundation 04: Foundation's Edge, by Issac Asimov, Spectra,
  5. Foundation 06: Prelude to Foundation, by Issac Asimov, Spectra,
  6. Foundation 07: Forward the Foundation, by Issac Asimov, Spectra,
  7. The Gods Themselves, by Issac Asimov, Spectra, 1972
  8. The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide, by Douglas, Adams, Gramercy, Nov 1, 2005

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